Great Relationships Are Built Daily.
Let me help you build yours.
Specialized Practice For Relationships & Sex Therapy in Georgia & Online in Florida
Couples Counseling | Relationship Therapy | Marriage Counseling | Sex Therapy | EMDR | Newnan | Georgia | Atlanta | Peachtree City | Florida
My clients feel stuck & disconnected.
Their relationships or sex life feels overwhelming.
So many of my clients come to me wondering if couples counseling can help and if they can really have the relationship or sex life of their dreams with the partner they already love.
I am here to tell you YES.
It is possible to create your dream relationship and have great sex with the partner you have and to feel connected, loved & heard.
Esther Perel says “ most people are going to have two or three marriages or committed relationships in their adult life. Some of us will have them with the same person”.
Is it time to…….
Invest in your relationship
Wondering what happened and how things got this bad?
Improve your sex life
Wondering if you will ever be able to have great sex and if you will ever agree on what that is?
Heal From Infidelity or Betrayal
Wondering how your relationship can heal from this betrayal of trust?
Learn about Neurodiverse Relationships
Wondering how being neurodivergent or being in a neurodiverse relationship impacts you?
Do any of these sound familiar?
I love him/her but I often wonder if they are the right fit?
One or both of us are neurodiverse are we doomed?
Will Relationship/couples/marriage Counseling help ?
We argue everyday is our relationship doomed to fail?
We have the same argument over and over it feels like it will never stop.
Is loving each other enough to make this relationship last?
What is Sex Therapy?
Our sex is boring and predictable or not frequent enough do I have to put up with this?
I have no desire for sex is it possible to get it back?
We want to explore kink/BDSM/Fetish can you help?
Should we open our relationship?
Am I the reason this relationship sucks?
I have sexual trauma that is impeding my sex can you help?
We are struggling through an affair. Are we going to make this work?
One or both of us are Autistic/adhder or both and wondering can we figure this out?
I am here to tell you that counseling can help. It is possible to create your dream relationship or sex life with the person you already have.
If you and your partner are ready to get rid of conflict, learn how to have open communication and create the relationship or sex life you have always wanted, lets chat.
Hi, I’m Allie.
I work with couples & individuals using a direct yet relational style that is down to earth and aims to help you feel comfortable, connected and engaged. I help couples break the cycle of conflict, talk about what matters and create change in themselves and their relationships daily. My therapy focus is on working with couples (neurotypical & neurodiverse) and with Individuals & couples struggling with sexual health concerns. Want to learn more about me?

I practice in a way that welcomes and accepts diversity which includes all relationship statuses/identities, sexuality, genders, religions, neurodivergence and body sizes.
Arguing a lot? Struggling to communicate? If your relationship is struggling and you just can’t figure out what to do click below to learn more about how I can help. Relationship/Couples Counseling can help.
Are you or your relationship struggling with sexual related concerns and just can’t seem to figure it out? Click below to learn more about sex therapy, what it is and how it can help you. Sex Therapy counseling can help.
Are one or both of you diagnosed or suspect you may have Autism or ADHD and you worry how this may impact your relationship?
I specialize in working with busy professionals and offer telehealth (online) video sessions to help clients
get therapy around their busy lifestyle in both Georgia & Florida.

“ The most functional way to regulate difficult emotions in love relationships, is to share them.
Sue Johnson
I can help you get the love you want & the sex you need.
Couples Counseling or Sex Therapy Can Help